Sunday, March 3, 2019

Being in Nature Builds Your Sense of Self, Really!

        I have recently taken a sort of break from the internet in this respect to focus on more immediate factors of life and the like. Things have gotten a little crazy, and it is during times of more stress like these that I realize even more so how much I appreciate the ability I have to go out and be in nature, even if it just be in a suburban park for a short time. When I am stressed, I go to the woods. When I am sad, I go to the woods. When I am confused, I go to the woods. It goes on. 

        Now, I know that there are many kinds of people out there, quite a few very different from myself, but I must say that I do truly believe that everyone can benefit from some form of nature or another in their life. I have been speaking with friends, new and old, about this, and I have come to realize even further that there are so many more people out there who deep down really want to feel the freedom of being in nature but are unsure of where or how to start than those who simply want nothing to do with it. And on top of that, half of the latter folks would probably be surprised and have a blast if they just gave it a good solid chance!

        I’m not just talking about adventure and exploring in the trees, which of course is extremely important, but more so here the exploration of your own self that seems to happen much more freely and easily when you find yourself surrounded by just the raw world. 

        I am the type of person who, upon entering school and being surrounded by so many other people and then to boot, being introduced to the world of social media, developed a whole lot of anxiety that I never really had before. But let me tell you, the surge of confidence in myself and calm I’ve experienced while hiking through the trees in spots new and old, or camping in the mountains, is such a wonderful feeling it's surreal. This renews me. This boosts me up. This makes me happy. This makes me confident in me. I feel like I could almost do anything. 

        Again I say, the experience will be different for everyone, and you may find that you feel this way more or less. But what I’m saying here too, is that I want to find those people, the ones who keep putting going out into nature on the back burner for this reason or that. I want to find them and I want to show them what they can do, and what nature can do for them. I want to show them that even a little can go a long way when it comes to exploring the natural world and you certainly don’t have to be a survival expert to do it. Go by yourself or with others, either has it's own unique benefits! But if you are someone who is holding back because you have no buddy, let's find you one, we're out here!
        I’m here for anyone with questions on how to get started. Gear recommendations? I got you. Hiking trails and their difficulty levels? You got it. Essentials to bring if you don’t want to wear a big backpack? For sure. How to find friends with the same interests? Get at me! Anything really, no question is a bad one, I want to help those who want to help themselves and discover the beauty of nature at the same time. Come and find yourself with me! Where are my people at!? Really, just send me an email or something, I’d love to speak with you. We can build a community.

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